Friday, 20 July 2007

Lloyds - Project Update

Our team just had a meeting with our project supervisor at the school. It is a funny and strange thing to understand why do we need a project supervisor for the summer consulting assignment. I believe its like all other things wherein you need a person at the top to resolve any issues that may arise. As Han (our project supervisor) made it clear in the first meeting, he will be here to oversee that all the team members work towards the project and none is a free rider. Given that the first meeting was just a 5 min session, I expected not much out of today's meeting as well. After we presented him the roadmap for the next two weeks, he appeared quite interested and started asking more questions about our work and research. The meeting was useful as he motivated us further stating that this project has all the ingredients to be selected as the 'Best SCP' this year and for those who do not know, this is a coveted recognition as this is our chance to work on a real-life business issue. End implication - Extended hours in the library and more team meetings in the next six weeks.

We also had the first full team meeting with Lloyds as we traveled to London this week. The meeting was successful as we presented our findings till date and chalked out the plans for the next couple of weeks. The good (or the bad) thing about 'Carbon Trading' is that there is a lot of interest (also read speculation) shown by all stakeholders and this has been touted as the next BIG thing. But, to be honest, once you go through all the published material and you realize that the industry needs more structure and regulations to move further, you feel that everything is like a shot in the dark. And why not, no body perceived that the carbon credit prices in Phase 1 of the EU Trading Scheme will fall from EUR 25 to EUR 0.50... If nothing else, people have started speculating a bit more. Mark my words - CARBON BUBBLE is not far away.

But, all in all, we believe that we have had a good beginning for this project. The next two weeks are going to be crucial as we dig deeper in our research and then start the process of narrowing down to one single business opportunity for Lloyds. Writing a B-plan will definitely be a difficult exercise but we all are looking forward to it.

Life's not just work these days, if you've got this impression after reading the above text. I recently purchased a guitar - local brand but good sound. Here are the pic - black always looks majestic to me.
I am beginning to get my touch back after learning a few new songs.. and this surely has added another dimension to my life these days. Of late, I have also been watching lot of movies - Bourne Identity, Shooter, Anti Trust, Silver Surfer... to name a few. Life's good!

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Oxford Bhraman!

Feels like its so easy these days to be in Oxford. How much difference one change (read not being unemployed) can make to your life. I remember the last few months when I was always under pressure to get a job, any damn job. And now, it feels like a better and a totally different world altogether. I still have to do the Lloyds project but its OK.. don't really care much about that now.

Last Friday was Open Day for most colleges and people were allowed inside the college premises to look around. Myself, Ruchir, Saurabh and Vikar went around college hopping and clicked some memorable shots. I guess my Oxford holiday has just begun and will continue for the next two months - long holiday, I know. I plan to move around the town a bit and visit the surrounding locales as well. This Saturday will be a barbecue at Fernando's place and then on Sunday a club cricket match - lots of fun.

Below some pics of the Oxford Bhraman! Changed the colors to black and white to give it a more vintage look.

Clicked from University Church of St. Mary. At the backdrop is 'All Souls College'. This college was founded in 1438 and only about two guys are elected to fellowships each year. Fellowship of All Souls is regarded as the highest academic honours in the UK. Sir Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Amartya Sen have been fellows of All Souls. Fabulous achievement!

At Magdalen College. Founded in 1448, one of the most spread out colleges amidst woodlands, riverside walks and lawns; the college also has the most hautingly beautiful buildings of Oxford

Built in 1749 to house the Radcliffe Science Library, the Radcliffe Camera (camera is another word for 'room') is now a reading room for the Bodleian Library. The distinctive circular dome and drum of the structure makes it one of the most recognizable and often-photographed building in Oxford. This building is not open to the public (its open to university students). The inside of the building is spectacular with brilliant art work. Will post some pics soon:)

Turf Tavern. The Turf is "probably Oxford's oldest pub". Its foundations date from at least the thirteenth century. The current timbered front part is seventeenth century. The Turf was renamed the Turf Tavern in 1805. The pub has been frequented by such likes of Bill Clinton.

One of the smaller lanes around Turf Tavern

Oxford High Street