Saturday, 21 April 2012

Back Again! This time for Good.

It has been more than four years. Can't believe it. Time has flown, the world has changed, I have changed but old memories stay forever.

Having just read some posts on a friend's blog (she is a textile designer in London), I realised what a fantastic mode of communication this still is. In the world of Twitters & Facebooks, we risk losing all the details. And at times, I do feel like doing a bit more than the 15 seconds elevator pitch. So, here I am back in the days of detailed blogging.

And I am back to stay here for long (hopefully forever). And why not? It just feels so great to read through all my previous posts. Good old memories and I want to add more to these memories. 20 years down the road, this is what will keep me going.

There's lots to say. But hey, the most important thing. I am running the London Marathon tomorrow (22 April 2012). Last four months have been taxing - running, running and more running just to feel confident that I can grind myself towards the finishing line. There's a sinking nervous feeling that I should have trained more. But can't really think about that too much at this stage. I am EXCITED, ready to GO, soak myself in the SURROUNDINGS and achieve something which most people can only DREAM of.

And I know it will be 'Once in a lifetime' kindda achievement.

Thank you to all who have sponsored me whole heartedly. Here is the link.

This is what it looks like 24 hours before the race starts:

Guys, you are all amazing people. It takes a lot of courage to spare a few bucks and donate it for a good cause. And you all have done it. I will be running for all you tomorrow. Wherever you are, do root for me!


Baby Chaudhary said...
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Baby Chaudhary said...
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Baby Chaudhary said...


Tons of luv... kisses... best wishes...

I will be rooting for you though we have not met yet... hehhehe

Then I need to know every detail about your race... I will be preparing for it getting inspiration from you....

Go Chachu Go!!!! Yeeeeeeee
Best Of Luck!!!
Hugs & Kisses

Little Princess